
Top 5 things I learned about leadership from Game of Thrones (Part 1)

As a Game of Thrones junkie, I’ve begun binge watching past episodes again in growing anticipation of the show’s final season that will air in 2019. No matter how many times I watch the shows, I always walk away with new information or insight that I could apply to my own life.

(SPOILER ALERT: Do not read this article if you have not watched all of the past episodes and plan on doing so)

No matter how much resources, talent, or prestige you have…you still need allies. Jamie Lannister reminds Cersei Lannister of this important lesson in season 7. Cersei builds a war room within the Red Keep and begins questioning the loyalty of royal family house within The Realm. It becomes evidently clear that she doesn’t have many powerful allies as in the past. Cersei wants to destroy anyone she deems an imminent threat to her family’s claim to the throne, particularly Daenerys Targaryen whom she sees as the next battleground to be won. Jaime reminds Cersei of the bigger picture; while they may be able to win a couple of battles short term, they are ill equipped to win a long term war alone. Jaime and Cersei agree that their energy is better spent seeking loyal allies at this time to rebuild their capabilities.

Leadership lesson: before you proceed with any strategic decisions, think through your ability to win in the short and long run. What is the risk and are you prepared for various outcomes? Are you willing to accept defeat in lieu of short term gains? Sometimes it is better to fall back and focus on cultivating relationships that could become allies.

It’s not about where your story started, it’s about where you were destined to end up is what matters. We see this time and time again throughout the show with the rise of both Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow rise to power. While they both had very different life paths, hardships, and leadership styles, they both have made conscious decisions to live life on their own rules. What is fascinating about both characters is that they were both destined to be leaders despite their upbringing or people’s opinions of their less than perfect backgrounds.

Leadership lesson: do not let the story of your past dictate your future. Be bold and lead with courage, even if you have critics or detractors. You are supposed to be here.

The ability to influence and understand the needs your stakeholders can be life or death.
Tyrion Lannister steals the show every season with his cunning ability to study the people around him and communicates based on their needs. Tyrion has (impressively) survived being kidnapped twice, being accused of murders he did not commit twice, standing trial twice, being in the middle of a battlefield (twice), and finding himself surrounded by people who despise him regularly.

Leadership lesson: the leader with the most friends is the leader that wins. Each and every time. Make sure you take care of the needs of those around you, and you will be taken care of.

Focus on being effective rather than being right. In season 6, Sansa challenges Jon’s decision about whether to take away two different northern kingdoms from their family due to betrayal of family members. Jon, on the other hand, doesn’t agree that children should pay for the sins of their families. With winter season upon them, Jon believes it is better to forgive and focus on securing all of the North in preparation for the battle with the Night King. As a result, Jon spares the two families from removal of their homes. In return, both families re-commit their alliances to Winterfell and order is restored.

Leadership lesson: Always follow your gut, even if it may not be what is considered a “popular” decision. Make decisions with the best information at the present time and once you make a decision, stand strong behind that decision.


Embrace and celebrate who you are no matter what others say or expect from you. Throughout the series, we follow the journey of Samwell Tarly, a man that is disowned by his father because he doesn’t meet the physical expectations of what his father expects from his first born son. In search for a new purpose in life, Sam realizes that being well read and intellectual curosity can open up new opportunities for him to serve. As a result, he ends up serving Jon Snow as a SME advisor and Maester in training for Castle Black.

Leadership lesson: take time to reflect on what values you bring and how you can differentiate yourself. Once you have identified your strengths, focus on building them up each and every single day.


Rebooting A Dysfunctional Team: Seven Things To Know

Have you ever joined a team at work where, in the beginning, everything was fine? Then, you begin to realize that something is not quite right, but you are unable to articulate it. After all, the team is comprised of smart, intellectually capable people doing meaningful work. Team conversations are surface-level, interactions are cordial and brainstorming sessions are safe. Everyone is nice, yet you sense sidebar conversations and decisions are being made without you — but you have no real evidence to justify this feeling. Then, something happens one day that validates your initial hypothesis, leading you to stop trusting the team.

Over time this lack of trust manifests into moments when you cannot wait to leave meetings, when you dread attending offsite workshops or when you quickly complete assigned tasks, just to stay as far away as you can.

If you are familiar with this scenario, you have likely been part of a dysfunctional team. You are not alone: A staggering 68% of respondents in a University of Phoenix study cite being part of a dysfunctional team. Great teams create a lifetime of friends, good memories, strong networks and higher performance. Dysfunctional teams, however, result in missed opportunities, irreparable relationships and damage to personal brands.

High performing team models are the future of work.
Organizations need to begin prioritizing the development of high performing teams: It is common knowledge that high performing teams consistently outperform, are more profitable and result in increased employee engagement and retention. Many organizations focus on individual “bottom-up” career management or organizational “top-down” development, yet rarely do they make “within the middle” differential investments in team development.

With the rise of the gig economy, I believe the true disruption in the “workplace of the future” model will not only be comprised of freelancers but also autonomous, self-directed, high performing “pods” or teams that go from project to project together. With this shift in workplace trends, I believe high performing team design and development are the next wave of focus for human capital professionals.

Here are seven things to keep in mind if you’re trying to reboot your dysfunctional team:

1. Teams are similar to marriages.
Like individuals entering a marriage, no one sets out to join a team with the intention of becoming part of a dysfunctional collective of individuals. But, also like marriages, cohesive teams take a deliberate focus on trust building, vulnerability, establishing rules of engagement, ongoing communications and shared goals.

2. Transforming a dysfunctional team starts with mindset.
What can you do to turn a group of smart individuals into a healthy, high functioning team? It starts with mindset. Each individual comes to a team with different perspectives, motivational drivers, experiences, biases and personal/professional backgrounds that should be embraced.

3. You should strive for progress, not perfection.
No team will ever be perfect. Accept team members for who they really are, not who you want them to be.
4. Team cultural change takes time.
Despite what you may read, there is no true quick fix to a dysfunctional team. Teams create subcultures. And cultures of any size take time to change. Timing is a critical component to turning around a dysfunctional team.

5. Team members have to acknowledge the truth and buy into a change.
All team members have to be ready and willing. It may take one vulnerable moment of truth amongst the team to break the ice and create the space to shift the energy. Everyone has to be on board and agree on the current pains and decide as a collective that there has got to be a better way of operating. Creating a sense of urgency and communicating what will continue to happen if there is no change is an important element to evoking the will to change.

6. Focus on building trust and creating unique rituals.
Once mindset and timing are in the right place, transforming a dysfunctional team is solidified by building trust. Trust on a team opens all doors. Trust can universally be a learned skillset — it’s never too late to reset the dial of a team with an intentional focus on creating trust. To create trust, start with the team’s why. Collectively decide what success looks like for the team. Discuss what behaviors will or will not be tolerated by the team. Create team symbols — such as a tagline, logo, quotes, etc. — that become a visual representation of what the new image of the team looks like. Create team rituals — such as virtual coffee connects or unique celebratory victory laps — that are inclusive of all team members.

7. Manage team member transitions to keep momentum and culture intact.
Team members do not stay forever, no matter how great a team is. Acknowledge when team members leave or new members join by creating specific, memorable onboarding and offboarding rituals. Ensure laser focus on recruiting individuals for teams that are both a cultural and skillset fit. Anytime there is a change of individuals, team dynamics will shift, and the collective will become a brand new team. Going through these steps each and every time will help to minimize disruption.

Original article published on 


Announcement:: Confirmed Speaker at TEDxZaragoza 2018

Thrilled to share with you that I will be giving my first TEDx Talk in Zaragoza Spain, discussing how to develop high performing on organizational cultures.  This TEDx talk  was inspired by a viral blog post I wrote that was viewed over 170,000+ times all over the world in one month.  

To date, I continue to get emails and messages about that blog post – and it has definitely been debated across the internet.  Looking forward to sharing the video and pics!


Five feedback hacks authors can use to make their book stand out

My new book, The MECE Muse, is being distributed worldwide today and I could not wait for this moment. It’s been gratifying to hear and read early accolades about a project that was one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences I have had professionally to date.

As I continued to reflect on this journey, I thought about decisions that paid dividends. Although each of the techniques below created turning points in my writing journey, a key theme stuck out – they all centered on feedback. Creating space to receive feedback throughout the writing process in whatever form is an area all authors should take seriously.

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard

Feedback beta reader group. Beta readers are a group of people curated from your targeted future book readers to preview your manuscript at various different points with the sole intent on giving you feedback. Based on the topic, beta readers give invaluable insights of what they need from the book. I had a diverse set of 7-12 individuals, all who were living versions of the avatar of my ideal readers. They collectively picked my book apart and helped me put it back together. If you are writing a book and do nothing else – make sure you assemble beta readers that are not afraid to provide constructive feedback.

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” – Bill Gates

Primary research. While an author may decide to conduct secondary research, taking the extra step to do your own research is a great differentiator. While primary research adds an additional layer of scope and time to your book project, it is well worth it. Not only is it a great way to laser focus on the angle of your book, what you may uncover can sometimes surprise you. In the MECE Muse, I conducted research by connecting with over 50 consulting partners and leaders across 27 different professional services firms on what makes a great consultant.

“There is no failure. Only feedback.” – Robert Allen

Bring your experiences to life. Attending events with fireside chats of consulting partners and leaders was the closest I got to finding mentorship earlier in my career. I wanted to capture the power of clarity that a leader fireside chat provides and conducted interviews as a subset of primary research for the book. I purposefully kept interviews largely intact to mimic a true fireside chat in the voice of the consulting partner that provided the story. What is interesting is that while I already had similar content to what they collectively shared, the coupling of their individual perspectives provided interesting texture while validating concepts and hypotheses I already had based on my 15 years of consulting experience.

Getting a popular vote on key visual design elements. With books, details really matter. The book cover and internal design layouts are key areas that I continue to receive praise on. It took a global village to decide on the book design elements. While I focused on obtaining feedback on content from targeted readers, 100s of people across the world – many whom were perfect strangers – in person and online gave me feedback on the book designs.

“Feedback is a gift. Ideas are the currency of our next success. Let people see you value both feedback and ideas.” – Jim Trinka and Les Wallace

Feedback from an online course cohort. Enrolling in Seth Godin’s altMBA leadership development program was also one of the best decisions I made for my book journey. The altMBA is a 4 week virtual immersive sprint that you experience with 100 people all over the world at the same time The program’s sole intent is to arm you with tools, concepts, and candid “altMBA style” feedback to help you take whatever your goals to the next level. My cohort provided generous feedback on all aspects of the book from angle positioning, who the book is for, constraints, storyline techniques, and much more. While this hack is not for everyone or for every program, my altMBA experience provided the momentum I needed to complete the book.

This perfect storm of feedback hacks brought clarity to my message, helped me dig deep to provide value to my targeted reader, and gave me the confidence to push through the end of this years long project.

Here’s to your journey to greatness.


Letter to my 2015 aspiring author self :: reflections of a published author

Today is the day.  I finally launch my book, The MECE Muse.   A book that I thought into existence over 16 years ago under a conference room table picking up papers (long story – read more of the story in the MECE Muse preface).  A book that organically came to be after spending the last 8 years being the mentor that I wish I had earlier in my career. 
In celebration of this incredible life milestone, I decided to write a letter to my aspiring author self and share some reflections (while they are still fresh) of the writing and publishing process for those that may be in the valleys of their first book journey as well.   
Please enjoy.
Dear 2015 Christie,
I wanted to go back in time and write a letter to share some of the highlights of the journey that you are about to embark on with this book idea.   While I know that you are in the midst of wedding planning, there is whisper you have been hearing for quite some time.  It’s time to write that book.  I know you have been wrestling with the idea for years.  Well, it is time to answer the call.  And I want to be the first to tell you… you can do it.  And guess what?  You do not need another college degree, a specific title or promotion, or one more project under your belt before you can be considered a credible consultant and expertise.  You have got the goods, so stop second guessing yourself.    
You got this!  Before you get started, here are some other thoughts to keep in mind:  

  • Writing something every day will be one of the best decision you make.  That decision will pay off dividends in the future of your book because of the habits you end up creating. You will not only become a better writer & build more confidence, you will end up creating a blog to which 1000s of people will read your posts, and it will inspire you to create a podcast show.  One suggestion as you go down this journey is to consider creating an outline earlier on of the content in the book and while writing every day, have a compass as to what you need to write.
  • You are going to struggle with who the book is for because you are trying to help so many people.  I get it.  As you begin writing, consider creating an avatar of who you want the reader of this book to be.  Run your avatar suggestion to some of your close colleagues.
  • Every time you write a page, I recommend reading it out loud before moving on.  You will save yourself a lot of time during the editing process.
  • Start the outreach process for gathering interviews from consulting partners earlier in the journey of the book.  While that was another great decision, do not be so nervous about reaching out to others for help with the book.  You will be thrilled to know that people – sometimes perfect strangers – are going to be so excited to hear about your project.  Your passion will influence a lot of people to go out of their way to help. They will root you on, introduce to others that can help, and give you great resources.
  • Some nights and weekends are going to be tougher than others.  Embrace the suck.  I’m not going to sugar coat it, some days writing a book just suck.  Remember why you are writing the book and as needed, take breaks.  You will find that taking a couple of nights off to give you time to think through your next steps will actually help you write better and think with more clarity.  
  • After you finish writing the book, you are going to spend almost an entire year going through the publishing process.  Surprise!  Take the time to do research and plan it out, but let the process unveil itself.  Do not be in a rush because this is the crucial stage where you take a somewhat ok manuscript and polish into what will become a masterpiece.
  • Do not obsess over the aesthetics of the book or stress about it.  Your publishing team is going to do a great job and the book is going to be absolutely stunning to look at and feel to the touch.  Your book is going to be exactly as you had envisioned it. And you are going to be so proud of the day that you get to hold the final product in your hand.   
  • Do not stress over the fact that it is taking a long time to write and publish the book based on your original expected timeline.  You are going to meet John Kotter (yes, that John Kotter!) and he is going to share insights as to why your book was actually right on time.
  • You are going to inspire a lot of people just through your own journey.  Be proud that because of people watching your own walk, you will create a community of authors around you. Get ready because you will be attending a lot of book launches in the future!

Lastly, I am proud of the person you have become through this journey; your family, friends, and colleagues are too. Mom, dad, grandma, and all of your ancestors are beaming in heaven right now.  I look forward to seeing you on the other side.   
In the meantime, I will be right here rooting for you.
To greatness,
Christie Lindor  

Hottest Jobs of 2040 :: uncut edition for the human capital, change, & OD community

I had a lot of fun contributing to the now very popular “Hottest Jobs in 2040” TIME magazine article published back in October 2017.  The article has resurfaced and has been trending recently.

In that spirit, I decided to dig through my archives and share the original, uncut submission that while some components didn’t make the cut, centers on future jobs specifically for the human capital, talent, change management, and organizational development community.

Let me know what you think – and what predictions you have for 2040. Enjoy!

Hottest Jobs of 2040 – uncut edition for the human capital, change, & OD community

While none of us may know how the future will play out, I believe significant paradigms shifts and industry convergence will continue to accelerate. The old world economy is essentially being consumed by the new world economy right before our very eyes.   The overall theme for the new world is micro-entrepreneurship instead of people being employed by large corporations for long periods of time.  Below are the three jobs that I believe will be in demand in the next 20-30 years.
Reinventionists – as the jobs and professions of today continue to decline, the threat of mass unemployment becomes more real every day.  A lot of people will need significant assistance navigating a new landscape. Reinventionists are independent business consultants that are part career coach part technologists to help people create a path to employment in the new world through upskilling for the skills of the future, personal brand reinvention, all while learning how to leverage new technology in order to carve out a new career path or new business venture.  
Micro Gig Agents – We have a front seat to the beginning of the gig economy, which is making way for the new “gig employee”.   I believe people will have contractual “micro” projects of varying lengths of time instead of the full time, permanent jobs of today. We are already beginning to see this trend take shape with companies like Uber or Fiverr.  These micro-projects will lend way to the creation of new wave of employment agencies operated by Micro Gig Agents.  Micro Gig Agents will manage a portfolio of projects across a wide variety of organizations to help source hard to fill positions that bots are unable to fill due to the complexity of the roles.
Human Transformation Physicians, Scientists, and Psychologists– For many people, it will be somewhat shocking that the world as they know it -and livelihood – will become so obsolete so quickly.   Millions of people will need to learn how to adapt and become comfortable with the uncomfortable, which will be our way of being for at least the next century.   Currently it is not natural for most humans to embrace change, but it will have to become a skill that is developed and inherently encoded in our DNA if our future generations are to survive and thrive in the future.   This need will give way to a new study and breed of professionals, sponsored by large corporations, focused on the advancement of the human journey & neurosciences in order to help preserve the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs for human adaptation.  The study and application of the evolution of the human experience will emerge and be in demand over the next 20-30 years.

10 “success” habits every consultant should own

In a previous article, I made an assertion that people should focus on building habits instead of focusing on achieving goals.  I personally like the concept of creating and developing habits because of the shelf life.  Habits are hardwired into your brain and become part of your everyday life, while goals might be achieved but they can be short term. 
How you spend your free time, who you decide to be around, and what type of information you consume can mean the difference between promotions, raises, or sponsorship if you are an employee. If you are an entrepreneur, success habits could mean the difference between winning and losing business, profitably succeeding, or scaling your business to the next level.
Here are 10 habits that every consultant should develop and own in order to take their skills as well as the breadth and depth of experiences to the next level. 
·         Be a team player.  The world is small. I have seen former teammates become someone’s boss or client.   Simply put, don’t be a jerk. If you worked with a challenging colleague, let it go.  Allow the universe take care of it. 
·         Have manners and etiquette.  This one is super easy (or at least it should be). Stop and take a moment to thank those around you that are working hard to make you successful. Put the phone down and look people in the eye. Don’t bark orders at anyone. Be patient. 
·         Become business savvy and learn the language of business. There are tons of online resources available.  As a consultant, you should be regularly consuming quality information that makes you better understand the business world around you.  Know how to interpret charts and graphs.  Understand how the financials flow within an organization. Learn how to dissect the impacts of an organizational structure.  Watch interviews with industry leaders to obtain various perspectives.  And where possible, join the conversation.  
·         Learn the difference between perfection and excellence. Begin to create an eye for creating something that is excellent versus striving to create something that is perfect.   Depending on contextual situations, the standard varies.  Always ask questions to manage expectations and work towards excellence, not perfection.  
·         Walk the halls and talk to humans.  You should not walk into an office, team room, or client building to only then put on your headphones and not look up again until it is time to head out for the day.  Every time you tune people out, you miss valuable connectivity time. Missed opportunistic moments accumulated over the course of a career can cost you dearly.  If you truly need down time to do deep work, arrange to work remote.  But when you are in the workplace with others, stop people in the hallway and say hi.  See how people are doing.  Walk to the conference room across campus instead of taking the call at your desk. 
          How you show up.  Don’t wait until you think you are close to becoming an executive to develop executive presence. Developing executive presence early on help you speed through the middle management layer, which many people get stuck in and never leave.  Make sure you look put together at all times (however “put together” is defined in your culture).  Grow your confidence and ability to convey messages. Practice having good posture, pausing, and smiling. 
·         Have intellectual curiosity.  Consultants at any level should always be playing sponge.  At all times. Everyday.  When you are asked to do research, find out why.  When asked to complete a deliverable, understand the challenge. Ask a lot of questions.  Do research and ask again.  Your new perspective maybe just the fresh air and innovation a project or clients’ needs.
·         Have at least one breakfast, lunch or dinner meetup at least twice a month.  Don’t isolate yourself on an island. Build relationships early and often. With all types of people, young and old, senior and new, clients and colleagues.  Two meetups a month means 24 meetups a year.  Repeated and accelerated over a 30 year career, that can be 1000s of strong relationships you have made. 
·         Be prepared to interview any day of the week, at any time.  This applies for the rest of your career in consulting. Because of the temporary nature of the work, consultants are constantly having to update their resume, portfolio, website, or obtaining referrals/recommendations.  You are constantly at a crossroads searching for your next opportunity while completing the one you are currently working on.  Being able to become an amazing interviewee is critical.  This means having multiple elevator pitches designed for different stakeholders. It means always being well read and well versed on a wide variety of topics. 
·         Getting out of your own way.   Despite the political noise or posturing around you, the only thing that really matters in consulting is value creation.   Your age, gender, who you love, your educational or socioeconomic background, upbringing, etc.…does not matter. Do not let those things get in the way of doing what really matters – creating value for your team, clients, and ultimately the marketplace.

An eye opening mini-guide to internal and external consulting

What many people don’t realize is that the world of consulting is generally split into two major categories: external (market facing) consultants and internal consultants.
External (market facing) consultants operate externally of their organization and their expertise is provided on a temporary for a pre-determined fee. Internal consultantsoperate within an organization but is available to be consulted on areas of specialty by various business units, leaders, and individuals.

Out of my 16 year career as a consultant, fourteen years were spent working as a market facing consultant and two years as an internal consultant.     Nothing brought more clarity to my career than the combined experiences.  Here is an observation of the similarities and differences of the skills needed for both types of consultants based on my experiences. 
Let’s start with the similarities.
·         Heightened sense of psychology.  As a consultant, you have to learn how to play sponge AND be a chameleon at the same time.  You have to have a grasp on how people think, how to communicate with them, and what triggers fear, motivation, or action.  You also have to learn how to read between the lines of what is verbally said (and what is not said).
·         Systematic approach of change.  Consultants, whether working internally or externally, have to have a keen understanding of the systems to change.  Change of people, processes, technology, and data. 
·         Ability to influence.  While influence looks differently for each type of consultant, the ability to influence is what elevates a consultant towards becoming a trusted advisor.
·         Commitment to lifelong learning.  Access to knowledge and technical expertise are key pillars of the value consultants bring to the table.  To do this well, consultants must have a ferocious appetite for knowledge and best practices.  
·         Have passion for the work they do.  Given the demanding nature of the role, passion helps make good consultants into great consultants.  Passion allows you to see the root cause of problems, helps you to sift through the noise, and helps you stay laser focused on what really matters – creating an impact for your clients.
Now…the differences.
·       Stakeholder exposure.  While internal consultants have the advantage to build longer term relationships with broad set of stakeholders and establish rapport and affinity more easily, external consultants are better positioned to take more high stakes organizational risks with senior leadership that can transform a company.
·         Different appreciation for cultural nuisances.   Internal consultants are likely to be accepted as an insider because they work for the company. Internal consultants tend to lean into the culture when making recommendations because they understand (intimately) what will work and what will not work.  External consultants bring an outsider’s perspective to a culture and might not always be attached to the recommendations made or empathetic to the impact of the recommendations.
·         How they position their expertise.  Internal consultant position themselves from a place of trust, while external consultants lead with influence, expertise, and a market place lens because they bring experiences from working with other clients.
·         Integrating with the rest of the company.  Internal consultants are able to connect the dots a lot of quickly to gauge how a recommendation could potentially have downstream impact on the company’s financials, people, processes, or technology.  External consultants may not always have the bigger picture of other programs, processes, or business line activities in mind when completing a project but is able to take on more risks with less repercussions.
·         Different agendas.  Internal consultants are seen as being an ally with more skin in the game given their personal allegiance to their company.  External consultants are objective and typically focused solely on the results than a personal affinity.
As an internal consultant you have an opportunity to learn how to better influence, navigate organizational politics, and build deep relationships, all while having an empathetic understanding of the motivational triggers of your stakeholder groups.   As an external consultant you have the opportunity to work on numerous client environments, business problems, and projects. 
In order to become a great consultant with depth to your expertise, I believe you need experience on both sides of the table.


Want to write a book in 2018? Here are my top 20 lessons learned

Within the last month, I know at least 25 people that have told me they are either writing their first book or thinking about it.  I’m excited to hear this and looking forward to seeing many more new authors in 2018 and beyond. 
As a new author publishing my first book, here are my top lessons learned from writing my first book.

1.      Know who you are writing the book for so much so that you have a defined avatar and/or persona of your reader. What do they need? How do they think? Why would they care about your book? What are their fears or motivational triggers?  What problem are you helping them solve?  Visualize this avatar every time you write.
2.      Know why you are writing the book. Make sure it is compelling and authentic to you.  If you want to write a book just to make money, here is a grounding statistic:  the average first time, non-celebrity author sells 200-300 books in the first year and depending on the business model you use to publish your book, most authors average a net profit of .50 cents to $10 per copy. 
3.      Just start writing or recording something every single day.  Refine later. But capture your thoughts early and often.  Make it a habit.   I wrote every single day – some days, I only had a paragraph in me, other days I cranked out 5 pages in an hour.  Go with the flow.
4.      While it is great to receive questions from all types of people about your book because it will help you see your book from varying perspectives, only take advice from other authors or media experts that have written and/or published a book before.
5.      If you decide to go the self-publishing route, be willing to invest if you want to create a high quality product. From beginning to pre-launch, I invested approximately $20k to ensure that my book was going to be on par with a book coming out of a traditional publishing house.
6.      Make sure your team’s values, communication style, and work ethic complements yours. 
7.      Good covers and good editors make or break your book’s success.  Do not skimp on your book cover design or the editing services you will use.
8.      Only have your targeted audience read your book and give you feedback. In books the wrong feedback from the wrong reader can skew the content/direction/voice of your book.
9.      You are going to get attached to every word you write….let it go. Focus on the words that your reader needs, not what you need. 
10.  Build a platform of engaged fans and readers. Bring them along the journey of your book. If you do not have a platform, it is never too late to start. You can build the platform as you write your book.
11.  You have to get use to asking people for help for your book. A good book takes a village to create.
12.  For your first book, I suggest to not worry about the date you publish (unless your book needs to be specifically timed due to your topic).  In most cases, I recommend focusing on quality over speed.  It took me close to 3 years to finish my book and I am glad I took my time because I now have a book that I am very proud of.
13.  On the topic of dates and timing, create deadlines as a guide but do not beat yourself up if you do not make the dates.  I didn’t realize how much writing a book is a creative process and rushing the process is not ideal.
14.  Listen and trust your intuition when talking to a book agent, publisher, etc.… If it is too good to be true, it probably is.  Do not let a book agent take away your core message in pursuit of sales.  Remember your why throughout the process.
15.  Read the fine print of any contractual agreements.  Ask questions.  Conduct comparisons. Obtain second or third professional opinions. 
16.  Create a support network of people that are not afraid to give you honest feedback about your book.  Constructive feedback from the right people is oxygen for an author.
17.  Do not worry about someone else writing a similar book. They are not you having your individual experience on Earth using your voice. It will not be the same book. Instead focus on how your book will be differentiated and what uniqueness appeal you will bring to your project.
18.  Accept that you will have to continue building momentum about your book while you are writing and long after you launch the book.
19.  Do not be afraid to outsource components of your book.  For example, I used Fiverr contractors to conduct topical research or to help transcribe interviews. 
20.  At certain points in the process you will doubt your ability.  You will get tired.  You will ask if the book content is good enough. Listen to your voice and to your readers. If you have a book on your heart, you can do this. You got this!

Pre-order your copy of  MECE Muse |  Download MECE Muse Manifesto of Great Consultants