As a keynote and TEDx speaker, author, and business consultant I understand how much effort it takes to find the right speaker, and the impact that decision has on your event. Thank you for considering me for your event.
I’m available to speak at corporations, non-profit organizations, universities, professional associations, and conferences on career & organizational development topics such organizational change in times of disruption, digital transformation, high performing teams, workforce of the future, employee experience, and best practices in consulting. Be assured that no presentation is “canned” – each one is designed specifically for the the outcome you want to achieve. Below is the full list of 14 topics across 2 key categories:
• Becoming a great consultant
• Mentorship & sponsorship
• Diversity, equity, inclusion
• Why great people quit good jobs
• Resilience and overcoming hardships
Below is an illustrative example of past speaking engagements:
Sample workshop & seminars
Crash course into project management
Quick guide to building a credible, world class consultancy brand
The purpose driven consultant – how to turn passion into profit
Soaring with a sponsor
Congrats, you are a consultant…now what?
Building blocks of a culture
“Christie speaks with confidence and candor. When she shares a new idea with her audience, they leave with more than just the information they need. Christie’s listeners are inspired and ready to make things happen.”
Cheryl Johnson
Research Director & Writer
“Christie’s workshops, ranging from informational sessions to detailed resume review and mock job interview small groups, are incredibly helpful in providing actionable steps for pursing a career in consulting. Her honest opinions and feedback helped me land a position in a wonderful firm. I would highly recommend attending any of her workshops regardless of where you are in your job search or preparation process!”
Carrie Hiu Mingalone
PHD Student and future Management Consultant
“The presentation on ‘Breaking Into Consulting” was very informative and very well structured. Christie was very engaging, helpful and went above and beyond. What a wonderful speaker.”
Leonard Tshitenge
Poet, Aspire Consultant and Social Impact Entrepreneur
“Christie Lindor is an engaging inspirational speaker who delivers her message in a clear concise format. Her presentation was to the point, timely, concise, and expertly offered. She has an amazing ability to connect with her audience and stay connected for the duration of the presentation.”
Kathleen Cacouris
Creative Director
“I learnt many of secrets how to get into management consulting firm by using wonderful techniques that Christie shared such as networking, the skill required to be consultant and case interview tips. From this workshop, I have a chance to listen her podcasts which is great resource, give useful advice and information that I can really learn from Professional speakers from her podcasts. I definitely sure that her tools and techniques including her podcasts worth for everyone who would like to get into management consulting company. Without her supporting tools, I couldn’t figure out how to break into consulting company in an efficient way.”
Methika Sinthavalai
Oil & Gas Expert, Project Manager
“I loved the engaging way she presents and interacts with her audience, which clearly distinguishes her talks from most other events. Even though, her intention is to give an introduction into the consulting world she avoids the obvious.”
Dominik Bucher
Management Consultant